Police administration - Essay ExampleIn addition, the paper explores whether the course has helped me, in preparing to face the modern-day challenges facing the police. The main challenges facing the police force include governance. For a long time, the tripartite structure of the force that encompasses a home office, chief constable and police authority is largely non-operational. The structure is characterized by gross confusion over the roles that different policing agents should play; there is a replication of roles and responsibilities. Therefore, there is a need to address the inconsistencies in the governance of the force (VanHulle, 2011). For instance, the bureaucratic nature of the current police structure needs to be addressed with an aim of effective utility of the potential in the police force. There is also an issue with the skills and the expertise held by the different departments, which needs to be explored, and where possible consolidated in order to ensure the achievement of maximum value from the available personnel (VanHulle, 2011).