The Portfolio Analytics Group or (PAG) within Blackrock Solutions utilises Blackrock’s proprietary analytics tools and models, such as the Green Package reporting suite, to measure risk on both a security and portfolio level. This area immediately attracts me as this is exactly the roles and responsibilities that i am looking for with regards to an internship Summer Internship with yourselves.The PAG Analyst role is central in supporting Blackrock’s investment process, producing reports and analytics utilised by all areas of the firm, giving rise to a unique opportunity to see how all functional areas operate and link together. The role is also central in supporting BlackRock Solutions external clients across their investment process and risk management oversight. Therefore this does not only fulfil and provide insight into all the areas that i am so very interested and intrigued by, but also gives a much broader perspective to the wider functions of BlackRock.BlackRock is widely recognized for its disciplined investment process and rigorous risk management.
분류 전체보기
- Blackrock Essay 2020.02.19
- Successor in family Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9250 words 2020.02.18
- Difference Between British And South African English Language Essay 2020.02.15
- Altering the Landscape of Health Care Essay 2020.02.14
- The Process of Entrainment :: essays research papers 2020.02.13
- Reflective Assignment Essay Example for Free 2020.02.12
- Police administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words 2020.02.12
- Theories and Stages of Memory 2020.02.11
- Single Sex Classrooms 2020.02.10
- Aristotle's Theory concerning Moral Responsibility Essay 2020.02.10
Blackrock Essay
Successor in family Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9250 words
Successor in family - Article ExampleThis could be answered using an empirical research designed to involve business owner-managers and successors from some Chinese family businesses. These respondents could then be asked to help return usable questionnaires. The perceived success of the succession process is measured by two underlying dimensions:The empirical results will indicate whether the successor-related factors that influence satisfaction with the process are, on the one hand, the willingness of the successor to take over, and the relationship between the owner-manager and successor, on the other hand. The study should also be able to elucidate whether the continued profitability of the business is influenced by the willingness of the successor to take over the business, the preparation level of the successor, and the relationship between the successor and owner-manager. The relationship between the owner-manager and successor is influenced by the extent to which interpersonal relationships in the family can be described as harmonious.
Difference Between British And South African English Language Essay
Difference Between British And South African English Language EssayIntroduction:I aim to establish dialectal features importance upon the English language. This will occur through identifying how dialectal features are introduced into speech, significant differences between British English and South African English, as well as the possible differences in application of dialect into language. I aim to identify distinctive dialectal features in ordinary, colloquial speech, which are different to English speakers.A comparison of British English and South African English will enable differences to be shown. Within the speech, variables will affect the language choice, not always dialectal variables. These variables include age (adults and Children in the conversation), location of the speakers (where theyre from and location which they currently reside) as well as the tier of class which the speakers are from. I will focus upon South Africans (English speaking not Afrikaans- the Lingua Franca), the test subjects are from the Cape Town area in South-west South Africa.
Altering the Landscape of Health Care Essay
The health care field is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States and other countries. The scope of changes suggests a consumer-driven environment and moving away from a provider-driven industry. Changes in technology and communication methods are allowing people to engage directly with their health care provider and not rely solely on the medical provider. We will discuss the modifications taking place in health care, current and potential challenges, and how the health care industry is adjusting to those changes.Modifications in Health CareThe modifications taking place in health care involve the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and changes in insurance coverages. A report from Mobile Health 2012 from the Pew Internet & American Life Project states that 45 percent of American adults own a smartphone (Khan, 2014). In addition, the report also states that 53% of smartphone owners use their phones to gain access to health care information (Khan, 2014).
The Process of Entrainment :: essays research papers
Essay - The Dance of Life, Entrainment
Reflective Assignment Essay Example for Free
Reflective Assignment EssayThis essay is a reflective account on my experience within the introductory period of my practice when caring for a patient. The essay will give the definition of reflection. This reflective essay will help me demonstrate how my experience in practice has helped me achieve one of the learning outcomes in my learning plan, (appendix 1). Driscoll (2000) will be used as a reflective model. The essay will explore what (description of events) so what (analysis) and now what (action plan). This essay is going to reflect on the importance of good communication with patients. Names in this essay have been changed, to respect the confidentiality of the patient and other healthcare professionals (NMC 2008). Reflection is ‘reviewing experience from practice so that it may be described, analysed, evaluated and consequently used to inform and change future practice’ (Bulman and Schutz, 2008: page 6). I was placed in an acute admissions ward at a Mental hospital.
Police administration - Essay ExampleIn addition, the paper explores whether the course has helped me, in preparing to face the modern-day challenges facing the police. The main challenges facing the police force include governance. For a long time, the tripartite structure of the force that encompasses a home office, chief constable and police authority is largely non-operational. The structure is characterized by gross confusion over the roles that different policing agents should play; there is a replication of roles and responsibilities. Therefore, there is a need to address the inconsistencies in the governance of the force (VanHulle, 2011). For instance, the bureaucratic nature of the current police structure needs to be addressed with an aim of effective utility of the potential in the police force. There is also an issue with the skills and the expertise held by the different departments, which needs to be explored, and where possible consolidated in order to ensure the achievement of maximum value from the available personnel (VanHulle, 2011).
Theories and Stages of Memory
Theories and Stages of MemoryBATHSHEBA SHEMA BAGGAI1.0Â IntroductionOur memory is part of being human. It is also an indicator that we experienced and lived to this day. Theoretically, according to Mastin (n.d.), memory is our ability to encode, store, retain and consequently recall information and past experiences in the human brain. In other words, past experiences influenced our present and future behavior. When the outcome is negative we tend not to repeat what caused it, but if the outcome is positive we do the opposite.For example, as you go to work, you use a certain road every time. However, that route is always experiencing traffic jams that cause you to be late for work. By chance, one day you used another smaller road and you found that it is less congested and thus you arrive earlier to work than usual. From that day onwards since the smaller road benefits you more you will use it more frequently. This means, you used your previous experience and act accordingly the next time you go through the same situation again.
Single Sex Classrooms
Single sex classrooms create opportunities that do not really exist in a coed classroom for students. Teachers can create learning strategies in all girl classrooms, and in all boy classrooms, which do not work as well in coed classrooms. Many public schools are beginning to adopt the single sex classroom ideas and seeing dramatic improvement with grades and test scores. The strongest proof yet, that separating boys and girls works, is the drastic improvement in grades for both sexes. But to simply place girls in a classroom and boys in another classroom is not going to work.Teachers should have special training for practical gender-specific classroom strategies and learn the best practices for these gender-separate classrooms. In the book “Gender and Education†the authors Barbara Banks, Sara Delamont, and Catherine Marshall specifically state: “Teacher interactions with students are at the heart of the hidden curriculum and are important means by which informal lessons about gender are transmitted in schools†(Banks571).
Aristotle's Theory concerning Moral Responsibility Essay
Aristotle's Theory concerning Moral Responsibility - Essay ExampleAristotle believes that every human being has a responsibility for his or her actions, something that makes others reasonably praise, blame or even punish him or her; he shows this by pointing out various conditions, which lessen or even cancel this responsibility. He converses force of occurrences, threats, along with coercion, bad character, ignorance and intoxication. Taken together, his version shows the basic concepts involved in being a person who ends up getting reasonably praised or blamed. The primary limitation concerning voluntary action is the force of circumstances. Aristotle gives an example about a ship caught in a storm; in this case, the sailors have to throw goods overboard to avoid the sinking of the ship. Here, the action is not entirely voluntary; therefore the sailors are not to blame for their actions. On the other hand, the storm is not to blame for the undesirable outcome, which is the loss of the goods, since it is a natural event that no one is responsible.